AB Vista to sponsor fiber-focused symposium at ASAS Midwest Annual Meeting
Published Tuesday, 5th March 2024AB Vista is proud to be sponsoring the ‘Fiber and Its Benefits in Swine Production’ symposium at the upcoming American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Midwest Annual Meeting. The event is designed to bring academic, industry and government scientists together to foster ideas for advancing animal agriculture; the symposium sees a collaboration of academic professionals unveil new research on the benefits of fiber in swine diets.
The ASAS Midwest Annual Meeting is being held from March 10-13 at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. The symposium takes place on 12 March, 1:15-5:00pm, in Ballroom A.
A featured highlight of the event, the symposium will showcase eight separate presentations, offering key insights and research from leading experts in the field. Those in attendance can expect to expand their understanding of how fiber knowledge in pig production has advanced, and what benefits this has in enhancing swine nutrition and overall gut health.
In addition, there will be the opportunity to discuss the next steps of fiber implementation for enhanced swine performance and productivity – collectively looking to the future of the industry. The symposium will conclude with an interactive Q&A session led by the speakers, fostering a collaborative learning environment and allowing attendees to delve further into the topics discussed.
AB Vista experts will also present additional research on pig production throughout the event. The Technical Team will be delivering oral presentations and posters on:
- Achieving heavier piglet weights at weaning with live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation under field conditions (11 March, 10:00am, Grand Terrace)
- Use of 4500 FTU/kg of phytase on performance and blood parameters of finishing pigs (11 March, 3:15pm, Ballroom D)
- Incidence of porcine ear necrosis in nursery pigs under commercial conditions is reduced with stimbiotic (12 March, 4:30pm, Ballroom D).
View the symposium agenda and research here.
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