Creating new nutritional and economic value from fibre
Published Tuesday, 3rd August 2021Fibre is a key component of the ruminant diet and subsequently has a notable impact on performance. Digestibility of fibre can markedly affect performance through its influence on the availability of energy and protein. Even when rumen conditions are optimised cell wall digestibility is less than 65%. (Van Soest, 1994)

What is fibre utilisation?
Fibre is a key component of the ruminant diet and subsequently has a notable impact on performance. Fibre utilization is a key factor in influencing available energy and protein which has a direct impact on feed efficiency, an important factor in achieving commercial success.
However, plant cell wall digestibility is typically less than 65%, meaning valuable energy is unavailable under normal conditions. When cereal grains are added to the ration, plant cell wall digestibility can be reduced further to 35% (1. Van Soest (1994)), resulting in greater losses of the natural energy content found in fibrous feeds, negatively impacting performance and economic return. A larger grain intake to increase energy, increases risk of SARA which has a negative impact on health and performance.

How do we improve fibre utilisation?
VistaPre-T’s unique mode of action enables improved fibre utilisation, resulting in greater energy release from roughages and fibrous co-products that can deliver improved efficiency and performance.
Applied directly onto the Total Mixed Ration (TMR) in dry or liquid form, VistaPre-T starts to work immediately to break down forage surface fibre. It increases feed digestibility and reduces lag time to digestion allowing for greater feed utilisation.
It is suited to diets containing fibre from forage and fibrous co-products.
- Best cost formulation
- Improved animal performance
- Dry and liquid formats
- Stable and efficacious when mixed

How to strike optimal balance?
VistaPre-T is a unique pre-treatment that creates a window of opportunity to unlock the energy potential of fibre. It delivers new value from home-grown forage and other fibrous feed.
VistaPre-T can be conveniently applied via several commercially available application systems, directly into the TMR. It is also stable and efficacious when mixed with other liquids that are commonly used in ruminant nutrition, including:
- Molasses
- Betaine
- Vinasses
- Distillery syrups – corn gluten, pot ale syrup
- Whey
A trial found that feed pre-treated with VistaPre-T provided:
- Increased DMI pre- and post-partum (+0.88, +0.46 kg/day)
- Decreased NEFA levels
- Increased milk production (+1.81 kg/day)
- Increased colostrum (+1.27 kg)

For more information schedule a call with us or visit our VistaPre-T product page
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Online Feed Fibre Calculator
Calculate the percentage of dietary fibre in your feed
Our calculator is designed for nutritionists and uses averages of global raw materials to calculate the dietary fibre content (plus other more in-depth fibre parameters) of finished animal feed. These parameters are available within AB Vista’s Dietary Fibre analysis service (part of our NIR service).
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