Superdosing – where are the benefits coming from? Part one: complete phytate destruction

Published Monday, 25th January 2016

In recent years, many users have adopted the practice of phytase superdosing, using higher phytase doses to target complete phytate (IP6) destruction. 

New research has helped improve the understanding of why additional performance improvements are seen in the animal when superdosing phytase, compared to using lower standard phytase doses.

Presented by Dr Mike Bedford, AB Vista’s Research Director, this video explores how, in addition to phytate, the lower phyate esters such as IP5, IP4 and IP3, have been shown to have anti-nutritive effects in the animal. Dr Bedford highlights that superdosing should be thought of as phytase application for the destruction of phytate, IP5, IP4 and IP3. Not all phytases are equal in their ability to break down phytase and these lower phytate esters, to achieve the maximum animal performance gains possible from superdosing phytase.

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