Finase counteracts the effects of phytate on endogenous secretions, binding digestive enzymes and other nutrients in the gut and reducing the environmental impact from phosphate excreted by pigs and poultry.

  • Improved phosphorous digestion
  • Breakdown of dietary phytate
  • Improved performance

Highly active in intestinal conditions; important for feed efficiency

Helps release extra energy and protein to the animal

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Finase EC for Swine


Finase EC for Poultry


Benefits of Finase EC for poultry and swine

Broiler trial carried out by Aveve Veevoeding, Belgium (2010). Results show the positive influence of the increased release of P and other nutrients by Finase EC on bird performance when fed a phosphate-reduced diet.

The effect of Finase EC on P-digestibility demonstrated in piglet and sow trials at the University of Kaposvar in Hungary (2003). Results show the dose response in improved P-digestibility due to the breakdown of dietary phytate by Finase EC.

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Online Feed Fibre Calculator

Calculate the percentage of dietary fibre in your feed

Our calculator is designed for nutritionists and uses averages of global raw materials to calculate the dietary fibre content (plus other more in-depth fibre parameters) of finished animal feed. These parameters are available within AB Vista’s Dietary Fibre analysis service (part of our NIR service).

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